21 mar 2011

ISI Scan 4.3 update

A new version of ISI Scan 4, is available in the Download Section of http://www.winisi.com/  it solves some bugs that drove me crazy for sometime.
 Una nueva versión de ISI Scan 4 esta disponible en la página Web de Win ISI. Corrige "bugs" importantes:

ISIscan™ Version 4.3.0 Details
February 28, 2011
ISIscan version 4.3.0 adds support for 0.5 nm prediction models. Thus System II and InfraXact instruments now support prediction models with 0.5nm resolution.
The following defects / enhancements are also included in 4.3.0:
  • After creating new Product Profile versions (due to bias adjustment) on FoodScan with individual sample views, monitor routine is extremely slow
  • ARCHIVING: Archiving error on Windows 7
  • ARCHIVING: ISIscan Archive feature does not work
  • COMM: ProFoss TCP/IP comm is dropped after approx 3 min inactivity.
  • DISCRIM: Identification mode (DC2) developed in WinISI predict "Unknown" in ISIscan demo version
  • Discriminant analysis : Cannot rename product
  • Error message when selecting History tab/execting scan while History tab has focus
  • History is only updated when scan is executed with history tab in focus
  • Importing STD with 4200 datapoints should fail - Transferability Test
  • ISIscan monitor is showing incorrect "bias correction" and "Slope / intercept correction" values and incorrect Monitor Results statistics in certain situations
  • PREDICTION: ISIcal, Default slope and Warning Limits set incorrectly
  • PREDICTION: ISIscan gives wrong predictions, gh, nh if 2nm ANN model on a ProFoss instrument
  • ProFoss - SAMPLES: Calibration Sample Check Box not storing scans
  • ProFoss calibration button do not store scan with correct functionality
  • ProFoss: DISPLAY: .NET error and then ISIscan crash when viewing previously run samples on history tab during contintuous scanning
  • Transferability: Using half nanometer equations in demo mode is not allowed
  • with System II 6500, cannot load certain 0.5 nm increment models into prediction model profile
  • XML files used in ISIcal canot be located with Windows 7 installation
  • "Manager" and "Operator" users already in new installation
  • Cannot remove a "good product" or "calibration sample" attribute from a sample
  • Changing the history tab to display samples based on a date range generates an SQL error and a blank history tab
  • DISPLAY: UDF entries disappears (blank) when using Sub-samples > 1
  • ISIscan with 6500 instrument predicts all zeros for predicted, gh and nh for 6500, ix, or ProFoss 0.5 nm increment equations
  • Monitor "save adjustments" button does not work if using Product Level slope and bias
  • DISCRIM: After Qualification is implemented new samples marked as Good product is included in moving average even if they are outside qualification limits
  • DISPLAY: History tab previously run samples are displayed newest (top) to oldest (bottom).  But scan a new sample and it's added to the bottom of the list
  • DISPLAY: upgrading previous ISIscan FoodScan with individual sample views to - all samples are labeled as "standard deviation of sample views" outliers on history tab
  • PREDICTION: Can't set SD outlier limits if using PLS
  • ProFoss - SAMPLES: Good Product Flag remains active after analysis.
  • ProFoss: Results tab does not show Calibration Sample info
  • DISPLAY: Continuous scan: UDF fields appear in every scan even tough UDF profile is NONE
  • DISPLAY: Product name not updated in monitor
  • PREDICTION: Opening 'Samples to display...' dialog causes continuous scanning to work incorrectly

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