12 feb 2020

Tidyverse and Chemometrics (part 12): Comparing histograms Fish1 and Fish2

Well, finally lab values for the selected samples are here and it is time to see if we have expanded the calibration set used with the Fish1 season with the selected samples from the new Fish2 season. One way to do it it is comparing the histograms of the 40 samples of Fish1 and the 17 selected from Fish2 (from the total 40 available).

Let´s start with the "Protein":

ggplot(fish_1d_all,aes(PROTEIN)) +
    geom_histogram(data=subset(fish_1d_all,Season == "Fish1"),

                                fill = "blue", alpha = 0.2) +
    geom_histogram(data=subset(fish_1d_all,Season == "Fish2"),

                                fill = "red", alpha = 0.2)

As you see I merge the 40 samples of Fish1 and the 17 of Fish2 and a column factor to indicate the season. So the Fish 2 samples for expansion are in red and the 40 of Fish 1 in blue, and the result is:

There is a high expansion in the range of "Protein", let´s see for the other parameters:

High expansion for "Ash", and not so large but also useful for "Fat" and "Dry Matter". Now it´s time to see how the model developed with the 40 Fish1 samples predict the 17 Fish2. But this will be in the next post.

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