4 ene 2020

EQA "Estimated Minimum" and "Estimated Maximum" in Win ISI

One of the statistics we can see after an ".eqa" file is generated are these : "Estimated Minimum "  and the "Estimated Maximum".
These values are calculated from the ".cal" file (file with the laboratory values distribution) used to develop the calibration for a certain constituent.
Take into account that the  ".cal" used to develop the equation can be different than the original ".cal" due that some samples can be taken out as outliers (the ones specified in the ".oll" file).
So from the ".cal" file used for the equation file we calculate the Mean Value and the Standard Deviation Value and the Estimated Minimum is calculates as Mean - 3.SD and the "Estimated Maximum is calculated as Mean + 3.SD.
If we get a negative value for the Estimated Minimum we replaced it by cero.

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