I want to say “thanks” to Aoife Gowen (@eefieg) for the
references, in her last article to this blog. The article is the part 4 of a
series called “NIR hyperspectral image analysis using R” and the title of this
article is: "Pretreatments and partial least square discriminant
analysis". (NIR News Vol.25 Nº 5 August 2014).
Lately I am playing with the Shootout 2002 data so we can
summarize on this data things that we have seen before in the blog.
In the
last post, I was using the raw spectra and that is not (in some cases) the best
way to develop a calibration. So we treat the raw spectra with math treatments
to improve the correlation of the spectra with the reference values, and to
make more transferable calibrations. If we use a correct math-treatment the
regressions will use less terms, and will improve the statistics, and the
Now I
write the script used to treat the matrix X1 (training spectra matrix in
Instrument 1):
+ main="Raw Spectra")
#Applying "SNV" to the Shootout 2012 Data>X1_snv<-scale(t(nir.training1$X),center=TRUE,scale=TRUE)
#Applying "SNV" to the Shootout 2012 Data>X1_snv<-scale(t(nir.training1$X),center=TRUE,scale=TRUE)
+ xlab="Wavelength (nm)",ylab="1/R",lty=1,
+ col=2,main="SNV math_treat")
#Applying "Detrend" to the Shootout 2012 Data
#Applying "Detrend" to the Shootout 2012 Data
+main="Detrend math_treat")
#Combining SNV with Detrend
#Combining SNV with Detrend
+main=" SNV+Detrend math-treat")
As we
are writing this script, we see on the Active Graphics Window the spectra , so
we can compare them.
are some of the most familiar anti-scatter math-treatments, apart from others
like MSC.
We will
continue with this type of exercises in the next posts.
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