11 may 2020


We have a certain number of samples scanned in two instruments (a NIR5000 and a DS2500F). Several repacks of the same sample have been scanned on both instruments, due that they have different sample presentation and different cups.

A sample with a certain ID was well homogenized and the contain was splitted into the two cuvettes, and we repeat the process several times in order to get a higher probability that the same sample has been scanned on both instrument and that will help to see the differences between the instruments.

When we want to compare spectra files from different instruments they must have the same range and the same number of data. In the video we trim the spectra from a DS2500F (850-2500, 0.5) to the range and data points of a NIR5000 (1100-2500, 2nm). 

After that we can overplot or subtract the spectra.

The idea of all this coming videos is to show the process of database transfer from a NIR5000 to a DS2500 or DS2500F instrument.

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