24 jun 2016

To consider when transfering calibrations or databases (part 1)

There are some occasions where we have to transfer equations or databases from one instrument to other and both instruments have a different sample presentation system, so there is no possibility to scan the same sample in the same cuvette. In this case we have to make some repacking form one cuvette to the other at the same time that we scan the sample on the correspondent instrument. 

It is very important that the sample must be as well homogenized as possible between repacks. As you make more repacks there is a higher possibility that the same sample is presented to both instruments so we can make a better standardization.

But which sample must be chosen for the standardization and to make the repacks. One option is to use a sample with an spectra close to the center of the spectral population, in this case we don´t look to their value in moisture , protein and so on. Later when we evaluate the statistics of the transfer we van see that the standardization works fine in a certain range of the moisture range and not so well in other ranges, so we have to consider also the values of the moisture content of the sample we use for the standardization.

In this case we compare the results of two instrument standardized without taking care of the moisture content of the sample/s used for the standardization, and we can see that in the upper range there is a difference and the monitor function recommends a slope adjustment. We can adjust the slope after the standardization but the idea would be to try other standardization using samples in the moisture range and to check a better performance doing this monitor validation again.

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