6 may 2012

Improving script_001: “Monitor”

After having a look to this video: http://www.screenr.com/UxH8 from rtwotutorials, and reading some tutorials, I decided to modified the script from the previous post: Practicing Script with “ R”: Monitor ,
 in order to make it more robust .
If there are NA values in our X and Y variables, the results for all the statistics will be NA (see also the video: http://www.screenr.com/loS8), that is not nice, so it´s better to write a warning and stop the analysis to check our data set.
So the new script is:
         print("There are NA values in X or Y, remove these samples for calculation")
 cat("Bias :",bias,"\n")}
 cat("SEP  :",sep,"\n")}
 cat("Corr :",r,"\n")}
 cat("RSQ  :",rsq,"\n")}

After having some samples with NA values (not reference value for that sample or not predicted value) the output will be:
"There are NA values in X or Y, remove these samples for calculation"

If not it will continue with the calculations:

RMSEP: 0.4373108
Bias : 0.03814815
SEP  : 0.4439425
Corr : 0.4864254
RSQ  : 0.2366097
Possible improvements I think right now:

The function gives me the position of the samples with NA values, so location is easier
 that the function removes these samples and the calculations can be done without them.


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