2 ago 2022

#tidytuesday:Eurovision (What happened in 1969?)

It was a special year with four winners:

eurovision_1 %>%
filter(section=="final"| section=="grand-final", winner == TRUE) %>%
count(winner, year, host_country, sort = TRUE)

# A tibble: 66 × 4
   winner  year host_country       n
   <lgl>  <dbl> <chr>          <int>
 1 TRUE    1969 Spain              4
 2 TRUE    1956 Switzerland        1
 3 TRUE    1957 Germany            1
 4 TRUE    1958 Netherlands        1
 5 TRUE    1959 France             1
 6 TRUE    1960 United Kingdom     1
 7 TRUE    1961 France             1
 8 TRUE    1962 Luxembourg         1
 9 TRUE    1963 United Kingdom     1
10 TRUE    1964 Denmark            1
# … with 56 more rows

 50 years ago today: Four winners at Eurovision 1969 in Madrid

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