1 nov 2016

Comtrade Webpage

These days I am doing an Online Course of  Python and we are practicing extracting data,  to work with, from a very interesting web page that I want to share with the readers of this blog.
From this web page you can extract very interesting information about your country, about from or to where, we import  or exports commodities.
For example in this case I want to see from which countries we imported computers and to which countries we exported computers in 2015:
You can preview or download the csv file and to work with it  R or Python for grouping and practice statistics.
The first row is the result for all the countries in the World. So we have to look to the next rows to see from which countries we import or to which countries we export computers:
In the case of imports:
and in the case of exports:

Hope you find it interesting, and share things that have surprise you from your Country.

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