22 jun 2015

How to import a TXT spectra file into Win ISI

I use in this case the Gasoline spectra from R chemometric package PLS.
Now I open in Win ISI the Convert Tool:
I select the file gasoline5.txt, and I put the output format in Win ISI.
Press Begin Conversion.
Answer if sample numbers are in the text file......................YES
Answer if there are constituents and the number..................In this case 0
Answer the total number of data points in the spectra.........401
Answer the number of Segments of the Spectra:
In this case I select two:


 One from 900 to 1098 every two nanometers
 Other from 1100 to 1700 every two nanometers

The convertion is completed and a new NIR file appear: gasoline5.nir

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