30 ene 2014

Multiple Sample Standardization in Win ISI


One of the standardization functions available in Win ISI is The Multiple Sample Standardization. In this case a sealed sample kit is scanned in the Master and in the Host instruments giving the same name to the samples. The variance of the spectra in this samples is quite high in the major components as moisture, fat, protein, starch, ash,.., because we have sample of barley, wheat, corn, oat, but also feed, meat meal, fish meal, feather meal,...,.So we cover some extremes for this constituents.
Of course we can select only the type of samples which we are interested in, to run a multiple standardization, but in this case we approach to the point to use all of them to create a MSSTD for all the possible products.
The spectra I show are the difference between the Master and the Host for every sealed cup, and it depends of the product type.
MSSTD in Win ISI, transform the spectra fitting a quadratic model which improve the  correlation between the Master and the Host, and improving the optical alignment performed at the factory.

4 ene 2014

Resolución de sistemas de ecuaciones en Excel (parte 1)

He incluido un nuevo video en mi canal de You Tube, para la resolución de sistemas de ecuaciones en forma matricial en Excel. En el canal de You Tube, tenéis también otros videos para aprender a realizar cálculos matriciales en Excel.